Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conflict, Functionalist, Feminiist Perspective View on Prostitution

In sociology, conflict theory states that the society or organization functions so that each individual participant and its groups struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change such as changes in politics and revolutions. Prostitution is a way for an individual to maximize their monetary intake (benefit) by selling the thing that have readily, their bodies. Because this power that individuals have, the government had to come in and outlaw prostitution.The Conflict PerspectiveThe conflict perspective highlights the relationship between power in society and sex work. The laws that make prostitution illegal are created by powerful dominant group members who seek to maintain cultural dominance by criminalizing sexual conduct that they consider immoral or in bad taste.Conflict theorists argue that women become prostitutes because of structural factors such as economic inequality and patriarchy. Capitalism and patriarchy foster economic inequality betwe en men and women and force women to view their bodies as commodities.Conflict theorists suggest that criminalizing prostitution uniquely affects poor women, especially poor women of color, who are overrepresented among street prostitutes. The Functionalist PerspectiveThe functionalist perspective argues that the presence of a certain amount of deviance in society contributes to its overall stability. According to Emile Durkheim, deviance clarifies social norms and helps societies to maintain social control over people’s behavior. By punishing those who engage in deviant behavior such as prostitution, the society reaffirms its commitment to its sexual norms and creates loyalty to the society as people bind together to oppose this behavior.According to Kingsley Davis, in societies that have restrictive norms governing sexual conduct—including the United States—prostitution will always exist because it serves important functions:1) Prostitution provides quick, impe rsonal sexual gratification that does not require emotional attachment or a continuing relationship with another person2) Prostitution provides a sexual outlet for men who do not have ongoing sexual relationships because they are not married or have heavy work schedules3) It provides people with the opportunity to engage in sexual practices (e.g., multiple sex partners, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal intercourse, sadomasochism) that regular sex partners or spouses may view as distasteful or immoral4) Prostitution protects the family as a social institution by making a distinction between â€Å"bad girls† and â€Å"bad boys†Ã¢â‚¬â€with whom one engages in promiscuous sexual behavior—and those â€Å"good girls† and â€Å"good boys† with whom one establishes a family5) Prostitution benefits the economy by providing jobs for people who have limited formal education and job skills Some ask why prostitution spreads like a wildfire through our cities and st reets. This is an easy question for functionalists, prostitution flourishes because it satisfies sexual needs that are not able to be met elsewhere(Henslin 51). Prostitutes almost seem to serve as an outlet for sexually frustrated men. When a man is unable to find a partner he always holds the option of paying for sexual pleasure.A functionalist, Kingsley Davis, concluded that prostitutes provide a sexual outlet for men who: have difficulty in establishing sexual relationships, cannot find long-term partners, have a broken relationship, want sexual gratification that is defined as immoral, desire quick sexual gratification without attachment, are curious, and are sexually dissatisfied in marriage.From this it is shown that by meeting such needs prostitution functions as a form of social control over sexual behavior. This is beneficial because it brings men with sexual desires away from unwilling partners to partners that are willing but for a certain price. This undoubtedly helps br ing down the number of rapes and sexual assault for any given society. Also it brings in trashy hookers or prostitutes that seem to degrade any given city or  society.The functionalist theory is the best way to view prostitution through a sociological perspective. Functionalists see prostitution as a means of controlling or channeling sexual behaviors (Henslin 53).Prostitutes meet the needs of men who otherwise do not have women always available to them. Also it meets the needs of a man because it is inexpensive, non emotional and a fleeting relationship. Through looking at prostitution we see that it persists because it serves social functions.This works by servicing people who are sexually frustrated. Prostitutes relieve pressures that otherwise might be placed on people who are unwilling to participate. Without the aid from prostitutes stimulating the un-stimulated, there might be other social problems that become bigger issues such as, rape sexual assault, kidnap and many more . Functionalism allows seeing each function that prostitution serves in a society.

Meaning of Life and Success Essay

Success is a person or thing that desired aims and achieves or attains fame or any form of accomplishment which will always make them proud or happy at the end of either the day, month or year. The word success was originated in the mid-16th century from a Latin word successus and a verb succedere meaning come close after. When I hear of the word success there are two things that come in mind, hard work and determination. Hard work is one of the main and most important building blocks in my success foundation. Working hard is one of the best and most accurate ways to think about being successful. Success cannot be earned unless you strive and work hard for it, because it is a word that comes with work and if work is not done then the meaning of the word can’t be accomplished. Like Einstein said â€Å"If A is a success in life then A equals x plus y plus z. work is x; y is play and z is keeping your mouth shut† for instance to me as an athlete working hard and in playing hard rather than running my mouth are the best way of being successful in game point stands in my career. Determination is a very critical and important aspect when it comes to success. To be determined to achieve any goals or aims is a very important choice of being successful. Bertrand 2 Determination can to be physically, spiritually and emotionally which all combines with hard work and if you combine both hard work and determination together you will always get a good result of success. Being successful in life can be one of the precious and happiest moments in life that can last for a long time if and only if you do what is expected of you to keep the success going on. Success can be advantageous in many ways; Accomplishing a goal, moving on to a new goal, brings happiness and fulfillment, set new and personal records, inspire, motivate and give you strengths to aim high and set bigger goals. But it’s not always everybody that’s successful that is happy or satisfied with their success. The isn’t that much difference being successful than being a failure, like the good old quote that say â€Å"the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge, but rather the a lack in will† this quote is very simple and well understood and the quote’s point is clearly pointed out, which state the main difference between a successful person and others which is the will to be the successful person that they are. To be successful person there should be some sought of guidelines to help you achieve or attain success. Thinking about success also brings about the thought or idea of failure â€Å"In order to success your desire for success should be greater rather than your fear of failure†. An important and inspiring quote as this from one of the favorite, idol and inspiring actor in the movie industry and in the society should and is been considered by a lot of fans to be very important in achieving success rather than having the fear of failure because his path of success has given or got him to where he is at the moment.

Friday, August 30, 2019

To What Extent Should We Place Trust in the Government These Days?

To what extent should we place trust in the government these days? It is said by American President Barack Obama, †If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost. † From here, we know the importance of people putting trust in their government. However, we can only place trust in them if they are able to take care of their citizens, fulfilling their needs and acting responsibly in the best interest of the citizens.Recently, there seem to be an increase in reasons for us to distrust our government for they are fulfilling less of their duties as the leaders of the nation. Firstly, we should remain skeptical about the government due to the simple fact that the government comprises of humans, and as we all know, no human is perfect. As Gandhi said, †Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. † With scientific rese arch stating that the humans are born to be greedy, the innate greed in the government officials might be a dangerous trait.Government Regulation on Media in AmericaFor the government, their greed would result in various forms of corruption such as bribery and extortion, negatively impacting the lives of the citizens. For example in sub-Saharan African nations, about half of the funds that were donated for health usages were never invested into the health sectors. Instead they were lavished to support the costly high-end lives of the government officials. This problem is not only limited to the developing countries. World wide, bribery alone is estimated to involve over 1 trillion US dollars annually.Due to the innate greed in human nature, it is evident that many times, the government will not do what is best for the people. Instead, they would think of themselves first, thus we should not place our complete trust in the government. Secondly, governments are no longer taking care o f the needs of the citizens as well as they did. There are basic needs that one should be entitled to, needs such as education and healthcare, and the government should ensure that its citizens get those needs. However, these days many countries are unable to fulfill their citizens' needs.In countries such as Greece, level of healthcare accessible to the public has also been on the decrease due to the recent economic crisis. Five austerity programmes within the space of two and a half years have reduced the health system in Greece to the level of a developing country and stripped working people of the basic right to adequate medical care. Most hospitals lack essential basic materials such as disposable gloves, plaster and catheters. Poorer women have to give birth at home because they cannot afford a hospital birth, which can cost â‚ ¬700-â‚ ¬1,500.On top of that, control of infectious diseases is no longer guaranteed due to the lower standards of hygiene throughout Greece. Ch ronic respiratory diseases, skin diseases and tuberculosis are all on the increase. Outbreaks of malaria infections have been reported in five parts of the country, although the disease had been thought be eradicated in 1974. It can be seen that the government do not have the ability to ensure the basic wellbeing of their citizens thus we should place less trust in the government these days.Thirdly, in many countries, governments are restricting many of the basic rights of people. These rights belong without presumption or cost of privilege to all human beings. However, in many countries, in the excuse to protect national security, the government often stripped the citizens of those rights. Under these kind of circumstances, it is of no surprise why the citizens might not trust the government. For example, in China, the freedom of speech in media and press is largely limited.They have strict censorship rules that include all capable of reaching a wide audience including television, print media, Internet, text messaging and even video games. These rules will greatly limit the ability for press to act as the 4th estate in the country and their ability to keep the government in check. After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, many people who tried to report on the shabby construction of schools faced severed punishment. Liu Shaokun, a Sichuan school teacher, was detained for disseminating rumors and destroying social order after taking photos of collapsed school buildings, and putting them online.With these kind of censorship rules in placed, the citizens would no longer have the faith and confidence in their government as they are denied of the truth of the happenings in their country. Thus, less trust are placed in the government these days. However, there are some people who feel that there has been an increase in trust in the government. 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer conducted by Edelman Public Relations has revealed that Singaporeans are the third most trusting of t heir government. They account this to the strong economy, high social security and high standard of living in Singapore.Despite those statistics, the new generation of Singaporeans are placing less and less trust in the government. The parliament of Singapore was traditionally dominated by People's Action Party and the decrease in trust in the leading party was seen when Worker's Party, an opposition party, won it's first Group Representation Constituency in the 2011 general elections. The recent political scandals in Singapore have shaken the trust placed in the government too. Just a month ago, member of parliament, Michael Palmer, announced his resignation after confessing he had an extramarital affair with a community worker.This caused various debates among the citizens that questions the credibility of the parliament speakers. These debates further illustrates the declining trust placed in the government. In conclusion, I feel that people around the world are beginning to lose trust in the government. They no longer feel that the government is able to act to their best interest and that their needs are not fulfilled. They are beginning to be unsure of their government's choices and question the transparency of their leaders. Thus, I do not think that we should trust our government to a large extent. To What Extent Should We Place Trust in the Government These Days? To what extent should we place trust in the government these days? It is said by American President Barack Obama, †If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost. † From here, we know the importance of people putting trust in their government. However, we can only place trust in them if they are able to take care of their citizens, fulfilling their needs and acting responsibly in the best interest of the citizens.Recently, there seem to be an increase in reasons for us to distrust our government for they are fulfilling less of their duties as the leaders of the nation. Firstly, we should remain skeptical about the government due to the simple fact that the government comprises of humans, and as we all know, no human is perfect. As Gandhi said, †Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. † With scientific rese arch stating that the humans are born to be greedy, the innate greed in the government officials might be a dangerous trait.Government Regulation on Media in AmericaFor the government, their greed would result in various forms of corruption such as bribery and extortion, negatively impacting the lives of the citizens. For example in sub-Saharan African nations, about half of the funds that were donated for health usages were never invested into the health sectors. Instead they were lavished to support the costly high-end lives of the government officials. This problem is not only limited to the developing countries. World wide, bribery alone is estimated to involve over 1 trillion US dollars annually.Due to the innate greed in human nature, it is evident that many times, the government will not do what is best for the people. Instead, they would think of themselves first, thus we should not place our complete trust in the government. Secondly, governments are no longer taking care o f the needs of the citizens as well as they did. There are basic needs that one should be entitled to, needs such as education and healthcare, and the government should ensure that its citizens get those needs. However, these days many countries are unable to fulfill their citizens' needs.In countries such as Greece, level of healthcare accessible to the public has also been on the decrease due to the recent economic crisis. Five austerity programmes within the space of two and a half years have reduced the health system in Greece to the level of a developing country and stripped working people of the basic right to adequate medical care. Most hospitals lack essential basic materials such as disposable gloves, plaster and catheters. Poorer women have to give birth at home because they cannot afford a hospital birth, which can cost â‚ ¬700-â‚ ¬1,500.On top of that, control of infectious diseases is no longer guaranteed due to the lower standards of hygiene throughout Greece. Ch ronic respiratory diseases, skin diseases and tuberculosis are all on the increase. Outbreaks of malaria infections have been reported in five parts of the country, although the disease had been thought be eradicated in 1974. It can be seen that the government do not have the ability to ensure the basic wellbeing of their citizens thus we should place less trust in the government these days.Thirdly, in many countries, governments are restricting many of the basic rights of people. These rights belong without presumption or cost of privilege to all human beings. However, in many countries, in the excuse to protect national security, the government often stripped the citizens of those rights. Under these kind of circumstances, it is of no surprise why the citizens might not trust the government. For example, in China, the freedom of speech in media and press is largely limited.They have strict censorship rules that include all capable of reaching a wide audience including television, print media, Internet, text messaging and even video games. These rules will greatly limit the ability for press to act as the 4th estate in the country and their ability to keep the government in check. After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, many people who tried to report on the shabby construction of schools faced severed punishment. Liu Shaokun, a Sichuan school teacher, was detained for disseminating rumors and destroying social order after taking photos of collapsed school buildings, and putting them online.With these kind of censorship rules in placed, the citizens would no longer have the faith and confidence in their government as they are denied of the truth of the happenings in their country. Thus, less trust are placed in the government these days. However, there are some people who feel that there has been an increase in trust in the government. 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer conducted by Edelman Public Relations has revealed that Singaporeans are the third most trusting of t heir government. They account this to the strong economy, high social security and high standard of living in Singapore.Despite those statistics, the new generation of Singaporeans are placing less and less trust in the government. The parliament of Singapore was traditionally dominated by People's Action Party and the decrease in trust in the leading party was seen when Worker's Party, an opposition party, won it's first Group Representation Constituency in the 2011 general elections. The recent political scandals in Singapore have shaken the trust placed in the government too. Just a month ago, member of parliament, Michael Palmer, announced his resignation after confessing he had an extramarital affair with a community worker.This caused various debates among the citizens that questions the credibility of the parliament speakers. These debates further illustrates the declining trust placed in the government. In conclusion, I feel that people around the world are beginning to lose trust in the government. They no longer feel that the government is able to act to their best interest and that their needs are not fulfilled. They are beginning to be unsure of their government's choices and question the transparency of their leaders. Thus, I do not think that we should trust our government to a large extent.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Chemistry - Fluoridation of Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chemistry - Fluoridation of Water - Essay Example The world has realized the importance of regular fluoride intake. Hence there are many dental products are available in the markets that have fluoride as chief component. With the changing climatic conditions, high mobility rate of the population and availability of wide range of fluoridated products, people have started experiencing side effects of fluoride. Hence water fluoridation needed or not is still controversy. About Fluoridation Water fluoridation process is defined as â€Å"the adjustment of the natural fluoride concentration of fluoride-deficient water to the level recommended for optimal dental health† ("American Dental Association").Fluoride is an ionic form of Fluorine which is thirteenth naturally found element in the soil. Fluoride is abundant near the mountainous area where it can readily get dissolved with groundwater or surface water. Fluoride has great affinity towards calcium and hence found at the bones and teeth. ("Oral Health in America†).As per t he facts sheet released by American Dental Association (ADA), fluoride has capacity to reduce incidences of dental cavities in children up to 60% whereas for adults it is 30-35 %. (â€Å"American Dental Association†). ... Dr McKay was startled to see so many patients having brownish spots on their teeth. This was something he never experienced before. He kept observing such patients for almost 6 years while having discussions with fellow dentist but he failed to diagnose correctly. He started suspecting drinking water supply. Later on these mottled enamel stains were coined as â€Å"Colorado brown stain†. ("NIDCR") Further Dr McKay got opportunity to work with Dr G.V Black, who was a renowned Dental research scientist. They put immense efforts to solve brown stains mystery came up with two distinct findings. The first finding was children whose permanent teeth are yet to erupt are getting more affected with Colorado Brown Stains than the adults. Second finding was that brown stained or mottled enamel teeth are less susceptible to decay. In spite of so much of thesis both these geniuses could not identify the prime causative factor and continued doubting drinking water. Dr Black worked on the sa me topic till his death ("NIDCR"). Later on, in 1923, Dr McKay was invited to Oakley, Idaho to inspect some pediatric cases where children were having similar brown stains on their teeth. Parents told that brown stains appeared only after they started drinking water through newly created pipeline of nearby water source .Dr McKay asked the civilians to cut off this water supply and he got the hint that drinking water could be the probable cause of mottled enamel. Water samples were sent for lab investigations but there were no conclusive findings ("NIDCR"). In 1931, Dr. McKay and Dr Grover Kempf started investigating Bauxite water sample with the help of chemist of Mr. H.V Churchill. They conducted â€Å"photo spectrographic analysis† with the water sample couple of times to make sure the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hamlet's Describe Ophelia's Mad Scene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hamlet's Describe Ophelia's Mad Scene - Essay Example Ophelia leaves and re-enters, this time singing of the way her father was buried. Her lyrics are quite meaningful and bring the weaknesses of Gertrude and Claudius to the limelight. Her madness is important for Claudius because he thinks it to be the reason for a change in Hamlet’s attitude. Laertes is provoked by the saddening songs of his sister. Her songs remind Laertes of his killed father. Therefore, his passion to take revenge of his father’s murder flares up because of ophelia’s songs. Ophelia’s indication of the seduction of maids causes the audience to think as if Hamlet has had an affair with her on a physical level, though this mystery remains unresolved throughout the play. Gertrude is particularly disturbed by Ophelia’s song because inspired Laertes may harm Claudius taking him for the murderer of Polonius. Later, Ophelia offers different flowers to Claudius, Gertrude and Laertes. To Laertes, Ophelia presents Rosemary and Pansies. To Cl audius, Ophelia hands over Daisies and Rues and she gives Columbines and Fennel to Gertrude. In Shakespeare’s age, each of these flowers had standard meanings. Pansies and Rosemary were used to signify remembrance. Thus, by giving Laertes these flowers, Ophelia essentially makes Laertes remember his father and encourages him to take his revenge. Columbines and Fennels signified unfaithfulness and flattery respectively.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saturn's Moon Titan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Saturn's Moon Titan - Essay Example The highly successful Cassini/Huygens mission began sending data back to earth in the spring of 2005, and since that date man has documented volumes of data concerning this moon once a mystery to mankind. While Titan is uninhabitable by man, "Scientists believe that Titan's environment may be similar to that of the Earth's before life began putting oxygen into the atmosphere" (Hamilton). The image of a primordial earth has added to Titan's mystique as the Cassini orbiter continues to map and reveal the surface and composition of Saturn's moon, Titan. Understanding the geophysical characteristics of Titan begins with a picture of its chemical composition and the temperature range that it exists in. The atmosphere of Titan, the only moon in the solar system to have a dense atmosphere, is composed primarily of nitrogen and methane (Ocean May Exist). There are also trace amounts of organic chemicals in the atmosphere, though the conditions are far from ideal for the creation of life. The moon has a gravitational force of about 15 percent of earth's and the temperature hovers around a cold minus 289 degrees Fahrenheit (Britt, "Smog on Saturn's Moon"). In 2002, scientists studying Titan believed that, "High in the Titan sky, solar radiation helps fuel chemical reactions that break the nitrogen and methane down into other substances. Eventually, lower down, some of these molecules serve as seeds for clouds. Methane condenses on the seeds to form rain or hailstones that fall to the surface" (Britt, "Smog on Saturn's Moon"). Indeed, thre e years later the Huygens probe would land during a methane rain as it broke through the atmosphere on Titan. These early and initial observations of Titan created more questions than they answered. What was the source of all the methane on the planet In a solar system that is routinely impacted by objects from space, why was Titan' surface relatively smooth, as if it had escaped the force of impacts The Cassini mission and the Huygens probe would provide the data necessary to begin to answer these questions. Much of what we know about Titan came from a descent and landing on Titan's surface of the Huygens probe, a part of the European Space Agency's Cassini program. There has been a keen interest in Titan since the early days of astronomy as scientists speculated on a world that "is extraordinarily like Earth, with rivers, rain, islands, seas and mountains, but is otherwise a totally alien world where geology and chemistry are turned on their heads" (Walker). Launched in 1997, the Huygens probe separated from the Cassini orbiter and entered Titan's thick atmosphere in late 2004. Though it was not designed to be a lander, Huygens survived the descent and continued to relay data back to Earth for approximately 90 minutes. The first images sent back from Huygens were remarkable. According to Eddy, "Huygens landed at the shoreline of what appears to be large body of liquid when it ended a seven-year journey". Landing in a rain of methane, the Huygens probe landed in an area that was typical of Titan's surface. "European Space Agency scientists said at a press conference in Paris that the consistency of the surface was like icy wet mud" (Walker). The Cassini orbiter is still active and continues to survey the moon as it makes passes near Titan

Monday, August 26, 2019

Typologies of terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Typologies of terrorism - Essay Example dent took place in April 1999 where an attack by 2 students at Denver, Colorado, resulted in the deaths of 15, while more than 20 people were wounded. This qualifies as a terroristic act as innocent civilians died, it was as a resultant of a stereotypical ideological goal and meant to create fear on the targets. The type of terrorism involved in the two terrorist acts mentioned above according to the definition by Malisow (2008) was state terrorism. This is so because the terroristic actions were directed towards the members of different country or even origin other than United States of America. The first terroristic act for example was directed towards Pakistan government by the United States government whereas in the second terrorist act, it was directed towards students who are different from the â€Å"normal† citizen of the United States (this was so because it was directed towards blacks and Hispanics by two students who were presumed to be white

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Employee relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employee relations - Essay Example It is possible that major changes in the work shift schedule that these employees have to go through combined with a high level of work-related stress could endanger the physical health of the employees. Stressors at work can either be external or internal. (Ward et al., 2003) External stressors include extreme physical condition such as hot or cold room temperatures. An evidence-based research was conducted by Gershon et al. (2007) shows that there is a significant relationship between organizational climate and musculoskeletal disorders. In some cases, poor working environment related to insufficient lighting or the presence of noise pollution could also lead to stressful working condition. Several studies suggest that one of the risk factors that may have contributed to call centre agents’ upper limb discomfort includes the insufficient mobility while at work. (Lynn et al., 2001; Greening et al., 1999) Particularly the work-related ‘social demands’ such as the personal interaction of call centre agents with the clients and ‘organizational demands’ which includes excessive work load and responsibility could contribute to neck and lower back pains. (Daraiseh et al., 2003) Poor body posture at work also increases the workers’ risk of having a chronic ne ck pain. (Aptaker, 1996) Considering the large number of young mothers who are working with the company, it would be very difficult to force this group of employees to work during school holidays especially when there is nobody to take care of their children. Requiring sick employees and worried mothers to be present at work is not a good idea since employees will not be able to deliver a good quality customer service to the Phone-us clients. Implementing a strict organizational rule on absenteeism may only cause these employees to become de-motivated from working with the company. As a result, it is expected that the quality

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Controversy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Controversy - Essay Example The increased attention on global warming seen in 2007 is attributed to several events including the release of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Reports and the fluctuating oil prices and of Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ which gave the news â€Å"hooks into climate change-related stories† (Boycoff, 2010). The amount of news coverage on global warming towards the end of the decade registered an increase to approximately five times the amount of attention given to the issues at the turn of the millennium (Boycoff, 2010). However, in contrast, the amount of coverage on the environment remained at 1.5% at the end of the decade and these figures were even lower in the radio and on network TV. This news coverage saw a decrease for the years 2007 to 2009 when the global economic crisis took centre-stage in the news (Boycoff, 2010). The fact that no large-scale disasters like that of the Katrina hurricane disaster also stalled the coverage of climate change. Boycoff (2010) describes how his assessment of articles on climate change published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times and the Wall Street Journal indicate a widespread disagreement with the fact that humans play a huge role in climate change. This mismatch in information is mostly attributed to the wrong applicatio n of so-called ‘balanced reporting’ (Boycoff, 2010). And this mismatch in data has contributed to the confusion on the issue of climate change. However, this bias which was detected in the coverage was later diminished and was no longer pervasive because the media or news coverage became outdated. A new representation was actually considered, especially as George W. Bush, in the 2005 G8 Summit recognized the fact that the Earth has become considerably warmer and man’s contribution through toxic emissions is a reason for the warming global temperatures (Boycoff, 2010). Other

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mentoring as Part of Professional Development Essay

Mentoring as Part of Professional Development - Essay Example This essay discusses that within the professional development domains, mentoring works at producing magnanimous effects for the people who want to bring about a positive change within their working ideologies. If the aim is to set things in a corrective fashion, mentoring is the path that shall take one towards that. However, it comes with its own disparities. One such is the manner in which the mentoring is being undertaken. The professional development requires of the organizations to embed mentoring as a vital ingredient because it embodies the basis of success that any enterprise or corporate entity can achieve with the passage of time. It will also dictate how well the organization has been able to showcase its professionals and how these individuals have been shaped up to meet the desired goals and expectations which were of them in the first place. The mentoring role is such an important one that it has been talked about in different circles time and time again. The ones who p erform the art of mentoring are taken in a good stead and given the respect that they richly deserve. This is the reason why the mentor is seen as someone whom people look up to for help and assistance, and who brings with him a significant amount of experience and knowledge. The mentor is therefore given respect for what she does and how she is able to garner support from the people who believe in his mentoring. He is usually the one people look up to and seeks help in terms of their respective needs and requirements. The organizations have also started to branch out to such mentors because they know that these will bring in help for the employees and workers. These are in the form of counselors who are doing their best to bring sanity within the ranks of the employees and give them the help that they direly require. However, professional development can only come about when there are concerted efforts to do things right on the part of the person who is bringing that change within his own entirety. It just cannot happen overnight and the mentor can help only to a certain level. This is the basis of understanding how mentoring is and what roles are required for mentoring in the related settings. If such comprehensions are reached upon easily, there would be success for all and sundry, and the professional developments would be handled in an amicable way. What is Mentoring? Mentoring is defined as the formal or informal relationship between two people where one is a senior and another, a junior. It involves communication and is based on the premise of having a relationship – formal or informal. It is based on the personal developmental relationship perspective where an experienced or more knowledgeable person holds the torch for the one who is not that skilled and has little or less experience and knowledge. Since mentoring involves some form of empathy within the individual who is mentoring, it is the duty of the person who is being mentored that he lis tens and adapts to what the mentor has to say. It will then create a situation where both the mentor and the mentee are on the same page, and the process of mentoring will come about in full circle. This is so required because if the mentor and th

Writing Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing Assignment 3 - Essay Example s entail the cost incurred by the investor/borrower whereby, the borrower pays back the principle amount and additional cost for borrowing (interest rates). Therefore, an increase in market interest rates influences incentives to invest in numerous ways. For example, it makes the cost of borrowing to an investor to increase and hence, discouraging borrowing and investment. Further, increase in market interest rates causes the aggregate demand to shrink which further discourage spending and investments. In addition, higher interest rates may leads to higher monthly payments on mortgages. This reduces consumer’s levels of disposable income making it difficult for consumers to have something to invest. Therefore, however, it can be observed that higher interest rates discourage investment as it increases the cost of accessing loans. This influences incentives to invest (DSouza, 2008). Based on the above model, it can be observed that large government budget deficits year after year will have an impact on the equilibrium interest rate. This is because large government deficit causes the amount of loanable funds supplied to be below the equilibrium point. This means that the quantity of loanable funds demanded will be higher than quantity supplied. This in turn causes an automatic increase in interest rates (DSouza, 2008). 4). The reason why McKinsey Global Institute conclude that long-term fiscal sustainability is important for economic growth is because long-term fiscal sustainability helps to pull together required amount of financial resources that may be utilized for investments and establishing long term economic growth (DSouza, 2008). Coombs, G., & South Australian Centre for Economic Studies. (2001). Essays on regional economic development. Rundle Mall, SA, Australia: South Australia Centre for Economic Studies in association with Wakefield

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Brendon Gallacher and Medusa Essay Example for Free

Brendon Gallacher and Medusa Essay Loss is a key, reoccurring theme in my two poems of choice; ‘Brendon Gallacher’ and ‘Medusa. ’ ‘Brendon Gallacher’ is an affectionate elegy for an imaginary, eponymous childhood friend, ‘Medusa’ is a poem divided into stanzas of mostly equal length. Both poets use varying language to help the reader visualise the characters’ feelings and persona. Emptiness and loss are presented in both poems through numerous techniques including alliteration, imagery and refrain. There is a childlike quality to Jackie Kay’s elegy for the death of an imaginary friend. The persona uses simple language and a range of techniques such as colloquialism. Contrastingly, in Medusa, Duffy uses a sombre tone thought the poem which helps the poem flow naturally and contributes to the developing sorrow. In ‘Brendon Gallacher’, Jackie Kay’s use of a repetitive refrain gives a song-like quality; this is further reinforced by the interjections that show grief in the last lines: ‘Oh Brendon, Oh my Brendon Gallacher’. The passing of Brendon leaves an empty void, filled by the repetition of ‘Brendon Gallacher’, which demonstrates fixation and inability to let ones feelings pass – an emotional attachment; ‘Brendon’ as opposed to the full name previously used. The repetition of the possessive pronoun emphasizes the idea that Brendan belongs to the narrator, and emphasizes the theme of loss and longing for something that is gone. Similarly, Duffy uses evocative language immediately by beginning on the theme of obsession/mistrust. Duffy emphasises this by the list of three, suspicion, doubt and fear which grew in her mind, allowing the flow of thoughts through enjambment. This doubt and fear shows that Medusa is somewhat compulsive and has lost any freedom or ability to control her thoughts. Moreover in Brendon Gallacher, they meet ‘in the open air’, as if Brendon represents autonomy and journeying; he talks of ‘Some place far’, which offers a purpose for the narrator to live on. This is all lost with the ‘death’ of Brendon. A physical loss rather than emotional loss is demonstrated through the words â€Å"we’d been friends for years† and â€Å"he would hold my hand† which suggests there is an emptiness of physical intimacy. Similarly, Medusa was once a beautiful woman who was transformed into a horrible monster by the Greek goddess, Athena. Jealousy and paranoia transform the hair upon Medusas head, in the poem, into filthy snakes. Already the reader is aware of the change ‘turned the hairs’, giving the impression that she was not always like this and did at one point have beautiful hair. Both poets have used descriptive techniques and imagery to show the physical changes and loss each character has undergone. â€Å"One day when it was pouring and I was indoors†, this paragraph in Brendon Gallacher uses pathetic fallacy to make the mood evoke a loss of innocence which is reflected by the rainy weather. Immature language and description is used to help the audience visualise the narrator’s childhood, â€Å"He had six brothers and I had one† can be conveyed as quite childish and this might have been used to emphasise that the narrator is talking about her past when she was younger, her childhood emptiness and loss. Also, in Medusa the rhetorical questions, â€Å"Wasn’t I beautiful? Wasn’t I fragrant and young? † show insecurity due to the repetition of questions but also shows a side of innocence as is normally related to young people. Both poems show a loss of innocence, albeit in different ways. â€Å"Look at me now. † The single line in Medusa emphasises the final request that appears as a paradox, a plea for sympathy but also a threat. Another, loss, this time more mentally affecting, Medusa has lost control over her decisions, this is further enforced by her turning of others into stone; â€Å"bullet tears in my eyes†, â€Å"you were stone†, Medusa has lost her ability to even look at others, and much like her tears, her fate is set in stone. This varied sentence length is indulging and engrossing as it really questions the empathy of the reader. All in all, both poems have certain similarities when trying to present loss. Both ‘Brendon Gallacher’ and ‘Medusa’ use language to bring alive the thoughts of the characters. Duffy focuses more on the imagery and tone of the poem whereas Kay brings to life the exact detail to provide the full picture.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

New Fitness Trends And Crazes Physical Education Essay

New Fitness Trends And Crazes Physical Education Essay The fitness industry is constantly diversifying with new fitness trends and crazes. The most recent trend is Zumba. Zumba is being marketed as a new exciting way to stay active and healthy. It boasts of its fun aspect and its ability to bring people together to get fit and have fun at the same time. Founder, Alberto Perez a Miami based dancer once forgot his traditional music to a fitness class he was leading and instead used some Latin music tapes. He delivered the session letting the music lead and guide him like in a club. The participants loved it and so Zumba was born. Now, more than 3 million DVDs have been sold in over 30 countries. In a recent poll, Zumba ranked 9th for international fitness trends in the year 2012 (Thompson, 2012). Zumba currently has well over 9,000 instructors worldwide and on October 15, 2007 Zumba was showcased on the Today Show. In October 2008, worldwide Virgin Active sport centres started proposing Zumba classes in their programs (Zumba Fitness, 2012). Today, Virgin Active in Norwich offers an exclusive range of fitness classes including; body pump, body combat and step classes. Zumba features in their aerobic classes, and is fast growing in popularity says the Norwich Virgin Active Fitness Manager in an interview (see appendices). However despite the ever-growing popularity and widespread of Zumba, there is still very little documented research highlighting the potential fitness and health benefits of the dancing phenomenon. The author, a volunteer at Virgin Active agreed with fitness managers that determining the average exercise intensity and energy expenditure during a Zumba class could provide valuable information about the classes Virgin has to offer and a unique selling point. This project set out to determine the average exercise intensity and energy expenditure during a Zumba fitness class at Virgin Active. Literature review Melissa Napier conducted a case study, investigating if and how, Zumba fitness has impacted womens participation in Doon Valley Leisure Centre. The objectives were to source out the reasons and factors that were impacting female participation levels within physical activity. The research found that for a fitness centre in Dalmellington, the majority of Zumba participants were aged between 40-59 years. However these results were obtained from both Zumba and Aqua Zumba participants which supports evidence in the secondary research that Aqua fitness is popular and recommended to the elderly population. Zumba participants said they attend classes because they think Zumba is an enjoyable exercise and allows them to socialize whilst increasing their fitness. Section 2 of the questionnaire asked the Zumba participants what they think makes Zumba different and more appealing than other forms of exercise, 44% answered Fun. Other activities that the Zumba participants said they enjoy include: Aqua Zumba and swimming. For the non Zumba participants they said they preferred gym, swim and fitness classes other than Zumba. This is not surprising as 80% of non Zumba participants are members and all these services are accessible to them as they are included in the membe rship prices. Evidence in Secondary research shows that interest in sport declines with age however the investigators primary research shows that 53% of Zumba/Aqua Zumba participants are 40-59 years old with only 7% aged 16-24 years old. Although Zumba may not appeal to all, it is 16-24yrs with latent demand for more physical activity options according to the Active People Survey carried out by the Womens Sport and Fitness Foundation. The only other literature which examined the exercise intensity of Zumba was conducted at Adelphi University (Otto et al., 2011). It reported caloric expenditure during Zumba to be between 6.6 and 7.4 Kcal ·min-1 depending on the particular dance style being performed. However there appears to be a wide range in the intensity of Zumba and other group fitness classes, depending upon the choreography and enthusiasm of the instructor. The enthusiasm of the instructor, as well as the experience of being in a group setting, often spills over to the participants, who then work harder. This cannot be captured when following video-taped workouts and the growing popularity of Zumba warrants additional research into this growing fitness trend. Methodology Twelve healthy female volunteers (20  ± 1.5 years, 1.57  ± 0.08 m, 61.9  ± 22.6 kg) were selected from the Virgin Active fitness club in Norwich. All participants were regular exercisers and were relatively experienced at participating in Zumba fitness classes. Prior to participating in the research project, all subjects were asked to complete a PAR-Q and provide written informed consent. Participants completed a health history questionnaire to check for any contra-indications which would prevent them from participating, and were informed that they could withdraw from the study at any time, even after giving their written consent. The data produced from the study was kept confidential and the participants were able to access their particular data if requested. Prior to the Zumba class, each participant had to perform an incremental, maximal treadmill test in the Norwich City College sports laboratory. This test measured the participants heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (VO2). Test procedures can be found in appendices. From this test, an individual linear regression equation was developed for each subject to predict VO2 from HR. This equation was subsequently used to predict VO2 (ml ·kg-1 ·min-1) during the Zumba session for that subject. Measurements of steady state oxygen uptake by the participants were used as an indirect method to measure energy expenditure (calorimetry). Energy expenditure was calculated from the predicted VO2 data assuming a constant of 5 Kcal ·L-1 of O2 consumed. Similar studies had demonstrated that the HR-VO2 relationship during treadmill exercise accurately reflected the HR-VO2 relationship during Zumba. After treadmill testing, subjects were given a Zumba DVD and told to practice the routine at least three times prior to the class. Following the treadmill test, all participants took part in a Zumba session. The Zumba class was delivered by a fully qualified zumba instructor in a sports hall at Virgin Active. During the class, all participants wore a heart rate monitor which recorded all the data throughout the session. After the session, the data was inserted into the individuals HR-VO2 regression equation to estimate the VO2 and energy expenditure of the participant during the class. Sampling Participants were recruited from Virgin Active. Participants were found using a simple snowball sampling technique because of the social networks that existed between class members. Zumba enthusiasts were asked to recommend other appropriate people for the project. Data collection The research design relied heavily on numerical data, therefore the research project adopted a quantitative approach. Numerical data included heart rates, vO2 max data and Kcal data. The project used regression analysis to identify the relationship between exercise intensity and calorie expenditure. Data were analysed using the statistical package IBM SPSS, PC program, version 7.5 Data Analysis Physiological responses to the Zumba session can be found in Table 1. The average HR was 154  ± 14 bpm, which corresponded to 79  ± 7.0% of HRmax. The average estimated VO2 was 66  ± 10.5% of VO2 max. The average estimated energy expenditure of participating in a Zumba session was 9.5  ± 2.69 Kcal ·min-1, which corresponded to an average of 369  ± 108 Kcal per class. To improve cardiovascular fitness, ACSM recommends that apparently healthy adults should exercise between 64-94% of HRmax and 40-85% of VO2max (ACSM,  2010). In order to control body weight, it is recommended individuals expend an average of 1500 or more kcal per week, which is 300 kcal per exercise session when exercising five times a week (ACSM,2010). Based upon the above recommendations, the Zumba class met ACSM guidelines for both parameters. Exercise intensity averaged 79% of HRmax and 66% of VO2max, respectively, and every subject fell within the recommended guidelines. Conclusions and recommendations Zumba is likely best suited for those who are already comfortable with fitness routines and with dance, as it could offer a pleasant change and participants would already know that they could keep up with dance fitness routine. However Zumba is also suitable for participants of all age and fitness levels. The intensity of the workout is relatively subjective so this means the participants can make the workout however hard or easy they would like depending on their enthusiasm and inhibitions. ACSM recommends that individuals should burn atleast 300 Kcals per workout in order to promote weight loss and maintain a healthy body composition (ACSM, 2010). This study concluded that participating in a Zumba dance class used an average of 369 Kcal for an average length class. It should be pointed out that average class length in the current study was approximately 39 minutes in length. Longer classes would obviously result in greater energy expenditure. Thus, regular participation in Zumba sh ould positively affect body composition. Future studies may want to focus on the physiological benefits following an 8-12 week Zumba training period. 1475 WORDS

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Work Analysis

Social Work Analysis My setting is a small rural Church of England Voluntary Controlled primary school with approximately 75 children and approximately 12 teaching staff including the head and teaching assistants. The staff work, on a part and full time basis. There are 3 mixed ability and mixed age classes. Class 1 consists of reception, year 1 and half of year 2 children. It is interesting to note that the half of year 2 children are all boys. Class 2 is the other half of year 2, year 3 and half of year 4, again mainly boys. Class 3 consists of the rest of year 4, 5 and 6. This is an old village school with modern additions. There are two separate play areas including hard surface and grass areas and play equipment. In 2009 education league tables my setting was in the top third. The setting performed below national average in 2008 for year 6 Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) however in 2009 we were slightly above the national average. In 2009 30.8% of year 6 children were identified as having special needs, from a class of 13. ( Accessed 22 Id April 2010) In the last OFSTED report 2007 the setting achieved an overall score of 2- Good. The major feeder for the setting is the local pre-school. I view my own role in the setting is to enable and support each child. It is of key importance that I, as it is for all practitioners to I view my own role in the setting is to enable and support each child. It is key importance that I, as it is for all practitioners to identify any need of a child be it physical or emotional or in way affects the holistic well being of the child. All early years staff are committed to putting children first: the welfare of the child is paramount (Children Act 1989). (Hobart and Frankel 2003:123) All barriers to a childs growth and life chances must be addressed. If a child has a need that may not be fully met by the practitioners alone within the setting the lead practitioner must be informed to alert and call in the team of outside agencies to meet with the parents and practitioners in the setting to provide the best service to meet the needs of that child. This is in line with the Governments vision of integrated front-line delivery of services to improve future outcomes of children and their families. (It is crucial for practitioners to act as facilitators. To meet the needs of a child the role of a practitioner is to first identify the need and if necessary share the information with other specialists and other outside agencies to aid the process of better outcomes for that child. Individual Learning Plans and Common Assessment Forms are useful tools for collaborative working. Communication is the key to executing strategies and building positive working relationships. It is a vital role of my practice to develop and maintain relations to the other organisations. Relationships develop and change over time. It is through critical reflection and analysis that practitioners can think and improve their practice. There are many different ways that the Setting communicates with the different groups. There are different levels of formality and speed required. For example in a child safeguarding situation, urgent action may need to be taken. Action could be initiated by a means of a telephone call followed by written statements. Other forms of communication include minuted meetings, for example parents and a Local Educational Authority and Practitioner meet to discuss an Action Plan for an individual child. Written reports form the core of an Individual Learning Plan for a child with additional needs. Other reports include OFSTED Action Plans agreed with the Head Practitioner and the Governors. For example member A of the Behavioural Support Team called a meeting with the Head Practitioner and the two named Practitioner supporting a child with challenging behaviour. The reason for the meeting was to discuss the effectiveness of the latest action plan that they had created for a child in class 1. The Head Practitioner had received the plan of new strategies but had not shared the information with the other practitioners therefore the new methods of dealing with certain behaviour had not been implemented due to the lack of communication between members at the Setting. On reflection of this critical incident, I wonder why the childs parents were had not invited to the meeting to share their views on how best to support their child in the Setting. This is an example of top-down management. In my role as an Early Years Works I need full access to the information necessary for individually supporting each child otherwise Every Child Matters will not work. The power is most definitely with the specialist to instruct the setting to carry out a plan of action with different support mechanisms. This is as a direct result for government inclusion policy, but the practitioner cannot implement the plan if the setting does not have an open or transparent communication policy. It is probably a weakness in management skills and a lack of democratic leadership skills that the lead practitioner does not share information. Alternatively this could be as a result of an overloading of responsibilities on one Head Practitioner. Thirdly the Head Practitioner may not trust the confidentiality of the staff. In his book, The Reflective Practitioner, Donald Schon talks about the benefits of reflection. ( Last Accessed 16th April 2010) This allows practitioners to explore the interactive processes which have impact on practice and outcomes of children, their families and their community. Through reflection practitioners may gauge the effectiveness of action taken at the Setting. Through reflection practitioners may focus and think about their own values and beliefs. Reflection is an important tool to evaluate and improve ones practice. The process allows a deeper understanding of the impact of practice on a childs development. Knowledge gained from the whole procedure should shape practice and the sharing of information and experiences with other practitioner will raise issues for discussion which will ultimately benefit both practitioners and children. This method should lead to improved practice and greater understanding of issues in the setting. I have critically reflected on improving the communication links between the practitioner and behavioral unit. One way round this, could be for the behavioural team to feel sufficiently confident to send the information directly to the Early Years Practitioner who is working directly with the child. There may be an issue of power or positioning. Possibly the behavioral team perceive themselves as professional elite and recognise the Head Practitioner as equal in professional status Another member of the behavioural support team, older, wiser and more experienced, took a different approach regarding the same child. Met with behavioural support worker B regarding child possibly on the Autistic Spectrum. He asked for feedback on the childs behaviour and well being. He specifically asked if the child was happy and engaging with the other children. He asked my opinion on what I thought would be the best strategy in supporting learning as he said you have built up a relationship with the child and he understood that I worked closely with the child on a day to day basis. (Reflective Journal November 2009) On reflection the practitioners including myself, would have been in a better position to comment if more information had been made available to me, in preparation to the meeting. I would like to have been fully informed and kept up to date with the latest information as I was one of the named persons for that child. This made the meeting a waste of time as I was unable to comment on how the child had responded to the new board and methods as I had not created the new teaching resources. The Head Practitioner had received the previous report and recommendation from the behavioural unit but this information was not shared with any of the other practitioners. Consequently no action had been taken by the practitioners supporting the child. (Reflective Journal October 2009) My ability to reflect on failures and successes in the use of different communication styles between professionals will enable me to ask for information in order to do my job. So reflection is an important process which aids professional development and practice. The aim is to include and enable all children using specific plans for inclusion. A practitioner professional duty is to use critical thinking and critical action as a tool to improve life chances and promote a healthy quality of life for individual children. This will bring the government policy of Every Child Matters into reality within my Setting. The Government recognises the crucial role of parents, carers and families in improving outcomes for children and young people and the need to provide support for parents, carers and families in order for them to do so. The Government also recognises the important role of the local community. (Last Accessed 30-04-10 at bbc. co. uk) Through joined up working and positive partnerships, the needs and holistic wellbeing of every child should be met to realise the Governments vision of Every Child Matters. The issues involving power and position of practitioner are complex. The flow of power has a direct effect on how a child and their family are supported. Power itself is a very tricky idea. Finding out where the power is involves at least two manoeuvres. First, we ask ourselves: who is in a position to influence or control the lives of whom? Secondly, we ask ourselves: in whose interests is this influence or control exerted? (Walmsley et al 1997:131-132) The question of power and status has a direct effect on relationships. Those who are at a similar level of position may be more inclined to share information, than with a person that they perceive to have a lower social status. Unequal power in relationships and partnerships may have an immense impact on the processes needed for joined up working and could directly affect the outcome for children. It is important to understand the relationship between personal and social construction. The flow of power is a two-directional process. Each persons actions are influenced by their values and beliefs. These actions effect children, families and the wider community. Their values and beliefs are affected by the community in which they live, so these values are shaped by social structure. Our social identity may change depending on experiences, relationships and social interactions. (Wabsley 1997:235-237) Different practitioners have different views on their role. Beliefs of others may differ from the beliefs of self. For example other peer practitioners do not believe that it is also their responsibility to support and interact heavily with parents and family. They are happy to deal with other education professionals but they see parents as an obstacle to their work. There are also parents who do not wish to engage with practitioner. There are numerous reasons as to why parents and carers may not work effectively with the Setting. The barriers may be physical or concerning difficulties in communication. (Hobert and Frankel 2003:136) For example a lack of time for developing relationships or if they have the opinion that the practitioners are interfering or making judgements on the way they live; or had a poor educational experience and may feel intimidated by the educational environment. They may also not understand the value of engaging with the Setting. The Government policy aims to bring about change with emphasis on empowerment and community development. This needs good partnerships between families, practitioners and the groups in the wider community. This is not possible if all the practitioners do not share the same vision or if parents do not want to participate in partnerships with the Setting. Some parents are hard to reach and it can be problematic in deciding the best course of action. A practitioner needs to attempt to engage with parents whilst maintaining a professional distance. Parents and family are crucial members of the team around the child. For all of a childs needs to be met all groups that can provide a service to benefit the child must participate and work together towards a common goal. 13Values are therefore linked to wider ideas which are woven into the social fabric and are often mixed and contradictory. We therefore need to expose and examine our own assumptions as professional workers. (Lea 2010 Including and Enabling professional practice and inclusion notes) The Government provide the Schools, National Health Service, Police and other agencies to support the family. The Government also conduct research to develop social policies to regulate and shape childrens lives to ultimately improve each childs social outcome. Policies and frameworks for example, the Early Years Foundation stage and Every Child Matters are designed to guide Setting, Social Workers and other Health Professional to give every child a fairer chance in life. Communication is an important step to try to improve the chances and opportunities of all children. If a setting fails to communicate effectively with an agency there have been extreme consequences for the child and family. Three children a week are dying of abuse or neglect at the hands of parents or guardians,. including some already on the child protection register. Last Accessed 2nd May 2010 at There may be an impact on the child due to domestic violence. Practitioners need to be vigilant and in tune with the childs usual behaviour to notice differences in the attitude, health and well being of the child. 15 The Setting is the core of the diagram. Setting practitioners spend the most time with children and families and in a position to have the closest relationships. The next group have less time in contact with the child, but have regular input for the support of the children in the setting. They are a part of the local community as well as the setting. The third including OFSTED and LEA professionals are called in by the school specialists may have intensive time with a limited number of children on a 1:1 basis. The fourth include Emergency services and the wider community groups. The motivation for community contact is to be proud and social cohesion. Finally the Government has overarching policies and how they resource and affect children families and the Setting. The long-term outcomes may include children engaged with their community and this may lead to a sense of belonging and an increase in health, positive behaviour and well being. inter-professional and inter-agency working has a huge positive impact on the welfare of children. Government funding, resources and how practitioners support children impact on their self-esteem, progression and multiple issues concerning their life chances. It is the practitioners responsibility to ensure that the resources always get through to the individual child Early Year practitioners are agents of change. They have the responsibility to ensure high quality early year provision. Their duty to meet the Early Year Foundation Stage involves the aim to constantly improve practice and work in partnership with parents and the wider community. The building of supportive relationships with children requires listening effectively to their voice and all the voices of other groups and organisations that interact with the Setting and can influence the childs life chances Through reflection in action and reflection on action a practitioner may use experiences to aid professional development and meet the expectations of the Government. The EYFS process is designed to take down the barriers between professions. The team around the child should have shared values and aims in terms of the outcome of the child and family and consequently the community bought together by the government initiative. The EYPS will allow a better understanding of how the different groups collaborate and this should improve every childs life chances. (ECM para) This builds on the core aims of Every Child Matters which was designed to give a fairer chance to all children. Be Healthy, economic independence. The long-term Government vision is to narrow the gap between the children who achieve and those who do not by providing services to children and their families which is focused on the following five outcomes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Being healthy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Staying safe à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Enjoying and achieving à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Making a positive contribution à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Economic well-being (Pugh and Duffy 2006:10) The children from certain groups such as looked after children, traveller children, children with disability and the Gifted and Talented are often considered to be vulnerable to not having all their needs met. The development of Childrens services aims to integrate health, social and educational teams. For true integration to a team and take collective responsibility of the child. The sharing of information is often crucial to position resources to best meet the needs of children. This encourages the development of good quality partnerships should lead to improved services for the child and their family. This is politically driven, and if the government changed will there be the priority on the funding and focus of EYFS and ECM. Political opinions It is the governments aim to have EYPs in all Childrens Centres offering early years provision by 2010 and in every full day care setting by 2015. (Childrens Workforce Development Council Introduction and information guide:5) The Labour government has focussed on child poverty using many initiatives. These include Family Tax Credits and Sure Start provision. These are part of a concerted programme created because it was identified that your start in the early years is directly related to your life chances. It has been recognised that the quality of parental skills is of importance. Research suggests that the level of education of practitioners has a direct effect on the outcome of the children in their care. This is why the Government is up skilling the Early Years Workforce and promoting good parenting skills. There is research evidence of the benefits of good attachment for a childs whole development. The process of critical self reflection allows for the improvement of my own performance and the performance of my Setting. Every team member needs to jointly reflect on the ways that we can improve out communication and management of our links with the multiple agencies and the wider community. As a team this should be a part of our continual professional development. Word Count 3131

Monday, August 19, 2019

Francis Scott Fitzgerald Essay -- essays research papers

Francis Scott Fitzgerald   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is known as one of the most important American writers of his time. He wrote about the troubling time period in which he lived known as the Jazz Age. During this era people were either rich or dreamt of great wealth. Fitzgerald fell into the trap of wanting to be wealthy, and suffered great personal anguish because of these driving forces. I have chosen to write a term paper on F.Scott Fitzgerald. The goal of this presentation is to show F. Scott Fitzgerald's life through his defeats and triumphs and how these situations affected his life as a writer. Fitzgerald's life started in the Midwestern part of the United States. On September 24, 1896, he was born in St. Paul, Minnesota. F. Scott Fitzgerald was of Irish heritage on both sides and was distantly related to Francis Scott Key, for whom he is named, and to Maryland aristocracy. His parents, Edward Fitzgerald of the Glen Mary Farm near Rockville, Maryland and Mary McQuillan of St. Paul wed February 13, 1890 in Washington, D.C. Fitzgerald' s maternal grandfather was a very successful wholesale merchant. His grandfather's early death and his father's inability to keep a job, forced the family to be extremely dependent on the wealth of his grandfather's estate. Fitzgerald attended the St. Paul Academy as a child. In 1911 he entered the Newman School in Hackensack, NJ. Growing up with a father who was out of work and who relied on his wife's inheritance gave Fitzgerald a mixed feeling of guilt and shame and yet he felt love for both his parents. These inner conflicts in his early life could have contributed to his inability to manage his finances, along with his constant obsession of gaining extreme wealth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fitzgerald later went to Princeton University, where writing and football were his main interests. It was there that he met friends Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bishop. Fitzgerald was too small to play football so he joined a fraternity called the triangle club, the second most prestigious cliche on campus, football being first. After Princeton, Fitzgerald was quoted as saying to a friend â€Å"I want to be the greatest writer who ever lived don't you (Bruccoli, 1981).† In 1917, Fitzgerald joined the army and prepared to fight in World War I. It was soon after his mobilization that he sold his fir... ... ceaselessly into the past† (Grolier Encyclopedia, 1993). Showing his failed attempts to reach back into the past made him into someone who felt he had no control upon his destiny, because it could never be as successful as his past. He did know that his work would have a permanent claim upon the American Literary World. Fitzgerald's life mirrored his novels. His live was filled love and tragedy. He pursued his dreams, and in real life, often lived those dreams. He longed to capture his youth and its purity. He produced thousands of short stories, often times to support their frivolous lifestyles as well as to tell their stories. Many scholars have critiqued his work and their desire to interpret Fitzgerald's work line the shelves of libraries. The Great Gatsby is a Great American Classic in which hundreds of thousands of copies are sold each year to high school and college students every where. Much of his work has been translated into 35 languages. It's ironic that more of Fitzgerald's books are sold every year than were sold during his lifetime. Sometimes it takes more than a lifetime to reach your goals and Fitzgerald found a way to accomplish his goals without living forever.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Albert Einstein Essay -- biographies biography bio

Education "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" -Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany to a Jewish couple. While having initial complications with a misshapen head during child birth, he grew normally. However it was commented by Albert Einstein's relatives that he was a little slow. Einstein's lack of intelligent was shown by his late age of learning how to speak. His first formal education (besides the private education he received before school) was at a Catholic school in Munich . This institution was short-lived because of Einstein's taste and disagreements with the professor. He left the school and Ulm Germans and moved to Milan . While in Milan , Einstein wanted to continue his primary education, and in 1895 took his entrance exam to ETH in Zurich . His scores were not sufficient enough to allow him to enter the primary school, instead he went to a community school in the nearby city of Aarau . In 1896 he received his school certificate and enrolled ETH with intentions in becoming a mathematics or physics teacher. Einstein got average marks while in ETH and received his diploma in 1900, is GPA was 4.6 out of 6.0. Einstein eagerly applied to numerous Universities, looking for an assistantship but was denied to all of them. While looking for a school for higher education, Einstein gave up his German citizenship and applied for a Swiss one instead. He was given Swiss citizenship in 1901. Einstein was desperate for work, for a year he was a teacher at a Technical High School in Winterthur and a private school in Schaffhausen, and soon afterward he moved to the Switzerland capital, Bern . Work was till difficult to find in Switzerland and Einstien found him... ...cation would be the photoelectric sensor which is in almost every department store. Although there are not many practical applications for the theory of relativity there are many uses in the scientific world including black holes and planetary motion. But one day, there might be a way to use relativity for time travel. References: Sites: 1) Josef Kuppet. "Einstien". 2004. 2) Amy Sanogo."Albert Einstein Quotesh".Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper, 2003. 3) American Institute of Physics. "Image Impact".1996. 4) Albert Einstein. 2004 kmhigginson. Books: 5) A. Einstein. Principle of Relativity.1924. "ON THE ELECTRODYNAMICSOF MOVING BODIES". Dover Publications

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Edge Detection in Claud Classification

It is a certain number of gradient operators using small arrays of pixels were tested in this study, in order to check their capacity to properly detect significant boundaries between different CTT and eventually cloud types. This capacity is 14 visually tested against direct CTT images. Among the detectors applied are the Canny, Roberts, Sobel and Kayyali 15 SENW (to be named here SENW) edge detectors, and the Harris corner and edge detector. The Roberts edge detector employs mainly 2 pixels in a 2*2 matrix for each computing direction (horizontal and vertical). The test conducted show a lesser sensitivity to edges i.e. the variation range of gradients is limited compared to the other methods.The Canny 18 method uses a 5*5 pixel matrix, that undergoes preliminary filtering before the use of a smaller-array gradient detector, making the calculation procedure longer. The Sobel detector uses a 3*3 matrix where 6 pixels practically contribute to 20 the gradient. The SENW edge detector i s based on the Sobel approach for edge detection but employs mainly 4-corner 21 pixels (upper and lower left, and right) in a 3*3 pixel-matrix, the remaining 5 pixels between the corners are set to zero.  The Harris detector detects both edges and corners.

Research Project on Financial Crisis

Research Process on Financial Crisis Louis Cappelli 2/18/2012 From the research I have performed so far, I have been able to isolate the main issues that caused the financial crisis in the 2000’s. It seems to be that this whole crisis revolves around the major banks in America. I have been through a good amount of articles based upon the financial crisis so far, with each of them stating at least once something about the crisis relating to the banks.As I was finding this material, I noticed some other similarities in these resources involving the Crisis. For instance I noticed major names like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who both seem to have a major involvement in loans in mortgages in America. From these sources I found the articles specifying what were the main causes of the financial crisis to be most helpful. Since I am not familiar with this subject and economic crisis at all, the articles that were more simplified for the general public were the ones I could better unde rstand.From one article on About. com, I was given some of the major causes that of the recession involving the banks and what they did wrong. For instance I learned that in the beginning the banks didn’t worry about their credit and were giving out loans to people who weren’t qualified for them. Another thing that I took note upon over my research was the constant mentioning of a subprime mortgage. Apparently one of the first initiators of the financial crisis was the â€Å"subprime mortgage crisis†.These mortgages were granted to those with poor credit, but unfortunately the rate of these mortgages skyrocketed, leaving many lenders with financial difficulties resulting in bankruptcy. From the research performed and sources I thought were most reliable and factual, I fell as if the crisis we are dealing with is mainly in fault of the banks and loan mortgage cooperation’s in this country. I seems as if they messed up big time, and in result we all have to pay for their actions.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Density Dependence And Its Effects In Ecosystems Environmental Sciences Essay

Describe the difference between the footings critical figure and transporting capacity for an ecosystem. Elaborate on the construct of denseness dependance. How does the denseness dependance affect the critical figure and carry capacity in an ecosystem? Critical figure refers to the smallest possible figure of beings required in a given species that is indispensable to prolong the population in a executable province so that it can stay in being. A lessening in this minimal population base will hold negative impacts on the staying lasting members which may take to their eventual extinction.Transporting capacity refers to the largest possible figure of persons of a species that an environment can prolong for an indefinite period of clip, without considerable negative effects on the given being and its environment. In other words, it is the sum of resources that is available in the environment that can be maximally exploited by the organisms nowadays at that place, that will lend to the beings ‘ well-being, without inauspicious effects on the ecosystem. An addition in the carrying capacity will usually take to a lessening in the ecosystem ‘s ability to back up life in the long tally, which will take to population lessening, and frailty versa.Population denseness is the figure of persons per unit country in an environment ; the population denseness determines the possible effects of certain environmental factors on continued population growing. These factors are separated into two types, viz. : Density dependent – literally means dependent on denseness, this phrase refers to the addition or lessening in the strength of the effects of environmental factors on a population in proportion to the denseness of the population. ( more beings means more competition and less nutrient available for the remainder and frailty versa ) Density independent – literally means independent of denseness ; this phrase means that the effects of some environmental factors do non depend on the denseness of the population. ( sudden unbearable environment alteration, all organisms dies irrespective of population size ) Population normally remains within a certain scope when environmental factors are density dependant. As population denseness additions, environmental opposition intensifies, and finally causes an addition in mortality that leads to a lessening in population. As population denseness decreases, environmental opposition diminishes, leting the population to retrieve. In the terminal, it is alterations in the environmental opposition ( Carrying capacity ) that allow populations to increase or diminish, and this can change annually due to environmental conditions. If population exceeds the transporting capacity, so the population experiences a J-curve clang. If the population is depleted below the critical figure, the lasting members become more vulnerable and extinction may be ineluctable. However, in density-independent instances where a peculiar modification factor moves outside an being ‘s scope of tolerance ( such as a fire or deep freezing ) , the being dies irrespective of population size, critical figure or the transporting capacity of the ecosystem. Q2. Define Biological Wealth we ‘ve discussed in category. How do the two sorts of value affect the biological wealth? Please supply some illustrations of our day-to-day life for each sort of the value and explicate how we evaluate those values Biological wealth is represented by the biodiversity ( described by life scientist as â€Å" entirety of cistrons, species, and ecosystems of a part † ) found on Earth. It is by and large used to mention to the natural biological wealth that supports human life and wellbeing. Biological wealth is viewed based on 2 sorts of value: 1. Instrumental Value – defined as the value something has because it may turn out utile in obtaining other things of value Biological wealth has instrumental value because it can be used to profit human existences. Many of these items-food, shelter, medical specialty, transit, and clothing-are themselves extremely prized for their part to human wellness and wellbeing. Examples of Instrumental values include:I. Beginning of nutrient, stuffs, agribusiness and developmentMany people around the universe depend on these biological beginnings for their nutrient, shelter, and vesture. Materials such as wood, gum elastic, fibres and oil can be obtained straight form biological beginnings. To feed and house a turning human population, more land is being transformed from wilderness into agricultural, excavation, lumbering, and urban countries for worlds. two. Beginning of Medicine A important sum of modern and traditional medicative merchandises are derived, straight or indirectly, from biological resources. three. Global Health Benefits Natural ecosystem services that reduces pollution, purifies H2O, prevents eroding, regulates clime and C sinks.four. BusinessBusiness Development – the foundation of some concerns are based on providing goods and services ( lumber, paper, nutrient and medical specialty ) obtained from the environment.v. LeisureLeisure – include activities like boosting, bird-watching and picture taking in biologically rich topographic points. 2. Intrinsic Value – value for its ain interest Non-material benefits that can be attained from the environment include aesthetic, cultural, spiritual and religious values, cognition and instruction. Philosophically, it could be said that biological wealth has built-in values for human existences. However, intrinsic value can be subjective and it is hard to delegate basic value to such state of affairss. The thought is that our judgements of intrinsic value are tied to existent state of affairss. The hedonic definition seems to be appropriate in this respect, for illustration, hedonism provinces that pleasance is the lone thing with positive intrinsic value and trouble the lone thing with negative intrinsic value. So working from here, pleasance is derived by the people when sing the aesthetically-pleasing signifiers present in a natural environment, religious values such as peace and enlightenment can be achieved through religious connexion on sacred sites, some faiths give Godhead acknowledgment to selected species ( cattles are considered holy in India ) , culturally, certain animate beings are revered as spirit ushers by the Native Americans and knowledge can be gained through observation and survey of the interactions within the system. Effectss However, irrespective of the abovementioned values assigned to biological wealth, the available biological resources are still being progressively exploited with small respect of their impact on the environment ( ensuing in degraded ecosystems and increased biodiversity loss, species loss being accelerated by human activity ) , the focal point being on short-run additions and non the long-run effects, therefore ensuing in a go oning loss of biological wealth. This tendency can non go on as the well-being of future coevalss depends on the preservation and careful direction of our biological wealth so as to protect and heighten their biodiversity.Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, SingaporeThe Wetlands Waltz I want to waltz in the wetlands, The swamps, the fens and the bogs, ( oh, the bogs ) . Yes, I want to waltz in the wetlands, With the birds, and the fish and the toads. I want to waltz in the wetlands, a topographic point where nature gets by, And IaˆÂ ¦ will cryaˆÂ ¦ will shout when the wetlands are dry. Yes IaˆÂ ¦ will cryaˆÂ ¦ will shout when the wetlands are dry. by The Ecotones Songs from the Water World Introduction Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is located in the Northwest of the chief island of Singapore. The name is of Malay beginning, with Sungei intending â€Å" River † and Buloh intending â€Å" Bamboo † . Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is a Rhizophora mangle swamp. The distinguishing characteristic of a Rhizophora mangle swamp is that it is dominated by low trees or tall bushs, normally over 30 % screen, turning on clay flats in tropical coastal countries where the tidal scope is little. The roots of the Rhizophora mangle workss extend out into the clay flats, and trap silt which accumulates to organize the swamp. These swamps support a broad assortment of works species and offer protection for several animate beings.A wetland is defined as a land where the H2O tabular array is at, near or above the surface or which is saturated for a long adequate period to advance such characteristics as wet-altered dirts and H2O tolerant flora. ( Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation, 1996 ) . â€Å" The H2O may be fresh or saline, acidic or basic, depending on the beginning † ( Carter, 1997 )Wetlands play an indispensable ecological function and have resources of economic, cultural and scien tific value, but they are normally drained to make room for agricultural nutrient production or alternate land usage. Wetlands carry out a scope of ecosystem maps ; they include flood control, stabilisation of dirt and storage of C. Wetlands besides produces nutrient, fuel, wood, medical specialty and edifice stuff.Wetlands are one of the most biodiverse of all the ecosystems. Their biodiversity includes different species of works life, fish, reptilians, amphibious vehicles, mammals and avifauna of occupant and migratory birds. Wetlands are beautiful ; excessively small of this sort of natural Eden exist and they can be a tourer attractive force and recreational sites for bird-watching and picture taking. Wetlands are a recharge part for H2O ; Wetlands shop extra H2O or rainfall for release through recharge of rivers and groundwater aquifers at times when there is a drouth. â€Å" The recharging of aquifers, raises the H2O tabular array doing groundwater easy accessible † ( Kenya state paper, 1998 ) . Without the wetlands, the country would lose some of its finest trees, and non merely those that grow within it. The H2O table extends everyplace, and the roots of the workss grow towards it – but the wetlands keep the degree accessible. Wetlands besides act as a H2O purification system, filtrating out the surface run-off deposits, organic affair and foods.Components of WetlandsA wetland possess three types of status, the country should hold a typical wetland hydrology, flora, and dirts. Hydrology An equal and uninterrupted supply of H2O is indispensable for wetlands to be. The H2O beginnings for wetlands include atmospheric H2O, precipitation, ground-water flow and surface-water flow. The land is characterized with wetland hydrology if the country is either for good or sporadically inundated, or there is a recurrent, sustained impregnation of the upper portion of the substrate to make an anaerobiotic environment. This continuance and frequence of impregnation must at lower limit, be able to keep the flora or other beings of wetlands, such as characteristic physical and chemical characteristics of wetland substrate. â€Å" Field indexs of wetland hydrology include: ocular observation of flood, H2O borne debris deposition peculiarly in above land flora, H2O borne sediment sedimentation on workss and other perpendicular objects, drainage forms within wetlands including scouring, and H2O stained ( blackened or grey ) † ( ITRC, 2005 ) . Hydric Soils Hydric dirts are dirts that are sporadically or for good saturated with H2O. The boggy dirt is normally lacking in O. These dirts are wet, dark-coloured, is high in alimentary content and in organic stuff. Field indexs of hydric dirts include histosols, which are organic dirts or any deepness of organic stuff on bedrock ; sulfidic stuff ( H2S ) in mineral dirts breathing the odor of the icky egg ; and cut downing dirt conditions as indicated by gleyed dirt. ( ITRC, 2005 ) . Geomorphology Most wetlands originate in topographic depressions, lands with a lower lift than the environing countries, these include wetland basins, lakes, pools and river vales. These depressions may be created by a series of natural happenings such as glacier motion, air current, H2O moving ridges, or tidal action ; or by procedures linked to tectonics, remission, or prostration. Sometimes wetlands can organize on a incline, this occurs in topographic points where the H2O tabular array intersects the land surface in countries where the land is inclining. â€Å" Standing H2O in wetlands is either the consequence of surface implosion therapy or rock outcrop of the H2O tabular array, which is the top of the saturated zone where pore force per unit area peers atmospheric force per unit area † ( Freeze and Cherry, 1979 ) . Hydrophytic Vegetation The prevailing flora consists of aquatic plants or H2O adapted works species and is classified into â€Å" obligate † or â€Å" facultative † groups. These works species are specifically adapted to turn in moisture, anaerobiotic dirt conditions. Obligate wetland workss ( OBL ) have roots that are good adapted to H2O and saturated dirts, they are found merely in wetlands ( more than 99 % of the clip ) . Facultative wetland workss can digest standing H2O or saturated dirts and occur in wetlands 67-99 % of the clip. The recognized criterion for judging an country to be a wetland requires that the prevailing flora are made up of more than 50 % of Obligate Wetland Plants ( OBL ) , Facultative Wetland Plants ( FACW ) , Facultative Plants ( FAC ) , and Facultative Upland Species ( FACU ) .Supply your observation/guess on how this ecosystem evolves to its current position.Since Sungei Buloh Wetland is by definition a coastal, seawater, mangrove swamp located in Asia. It is poss ible to presume that in the yesteryear, it was likely to be a au naturel country where salt H2O meets land, and are flooded by day-to-day tides. The H2O in the country is likely slow-moving and slightly sheltered, which allows deposition of deposit and organic stuff to take topographic point, every bit good as workss to take root.Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is to day of the month bordered by Rhizophora mangle woods. Mangroves are normally the first species to turn on tropical shores as they can propagate successfully in a marine environment because of particular versions. This mangrove species may hold originated in the Indo-Malayan Region, sing the fact that there are more mangrove species present in this part than anyplace else in the universe. It was found that mangroves colonized this country around 6820 BP, as sea degree rose following the last glacial upper limit and a variable thickness of Holocene littorals, claies and peats were deposited over the land surface ( Bird et al , 2004 ) . A bare coastline is an inhospitable environment ; mangrove workss are the primary replacements in this instance because of their ability to last in seawater enables them to colonise coastal countries where no other assortments of tree can last. Mangrove workss bit by bit restore the dirt by perforating and air outing it. They start with seting down shoots into the substrate, which trap and clasp deposits in topographic point which prevents clouding and silting of Waterss every bit good as accumulate a bed of dirt. Their roots map as an ground tackle, and since they grow in dirt with low O, are adapted with aerial roots, which allow them to absorb atmospheric O. As they grow, they produce new rootlets at in turn higher degrees above the high tide degree ( Collins 1990 ) . As dirt quality improves, a gradual consecutive community of workss that were ab initio less tolerant of the original environment will get down turning in the country, finally making a flood tide wetland forest ecosy stem. Ocean tides, freshwater overflow and inland rivers provide foods such as nitrates, nitrites and minerals to nurture the flora of this wetland. In add-on, the Rhizophora mangle wood acts as a vegetive buffer zone against eroding along coastline and promotes deposition of deposit and alluvial stuffs. Coastal wetland swamps are extremely productive and supports a big figure of beings. Mangrove leaves serve as the foundation of the nutrient web and provides nutrient for direct feeders such as pediculosis pubiss and fish. Their decaying leaves initiate the debris nutrient web. The interweaving roots of Rhizophora mangle workss act as aquatic baby's rooms for the immature of fish and shellfish every bit good as nutrient and protection against larger marauders. A figure of animate beings besides use this ecosystem as a home ground, shacking in the canopy, roots, clay or H2O. A big assortment of bird species, which includes migratory birds besides feed on the rich zoology of pelecypods, pedi culosis pubiss, worms and mollusk. Sing that abovementioned province is still observed in Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, it is extremely likely that a flood tide ecosystem has been reached and there is a dynamic balance between all of the species and the physical environment.What is human ‘s function in the ecosystem succession/evolution procedure and what are the responses from the ecosystem to the perturbation?Back in 1820, mangrove forest originally covered an estimated 13 % ( 7,800 hour angle ) of Singapore ( Corlett, 1987a & A ; 1987b ) . Today, less than 5 % remains. Bird et Al. ( 2004 ) found that the Rhizophora mangle from Sungei Buluh wetland modesty to Kranji Dam, a mere 87 hour angle, represented the largest integral Rhizophora mangle forest left on mainland Singapore. Harmonizing to the Straits Settlement Government Gazette Reports of the Botanic Gardens, 1890, the Sungei Buloh country was a forest modesty from 17th April, 1890, but ceased to be a forest modesty on 4th April, 1938, ( Straits Settlement Government Gazette, 1938 ) . During this clip period, due to a lifting rural population, shrimp agriculture became the pillar of those settling the seashore, and development of nutrient, fuel, poles and wood were allowed in the modesty. From 1946 to 2001, aerial exposure used to analyse Rhizophora mangle alterations brought about the decision that development generated important alterations in the distribution of Rhizophora mangles. In 1946, the Sungei Buloh mangrove forest was reduced to 117.3 hour angle. However, following this period of clip, the Rhizophora mangle was able to actively colonise the coastal mudflats, adding 6.24 hour angle of Rhizophora mangle screen until 1980. Unfortunately in 1980, 50 % of the entire country covered by Rhizophora mangles was cleared for aquaculture. The resulting building of Kranji Dam in 1980 brought about a subsequent lessening in sediment supply, which initiated eroding along the shoreline. Consequently, the vegetive boundary has receded by up to 50 metres in 2001. In 1986, a group of devouring birdwatchers from the Singapore Branch of the Malayan Nature Society noted the surprisingly big assortment of bird species including migratory birds in the wetlands. Acknowledging the ecological value of this country, they wrote a proposal to the authorities inquiring for its saving. This suggestion was taken up by the authorities and finally, 87 hour angle of wetlands was given the position of nature park in 1989. Subsequently, the country was carefully developed to let visitant handiness and was officially opened on 6 Dec 1993 by so Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. The Rhizophora mangle wood is now renewing under the protection provided by the Nature Reserve.How/what can we make to do this ecosystem sustainable?In order to keep the wetland ‘s biological diverseness and productiveness and to let wise usage of their resources by human existences, preservation and sustainable usage of this wetland and its resources is of import. Sustainable usage is ba sed on cognition of environmental, socio-economic and policy factors. From this, some guidelines can be developed for sustainable wetland direction.Sustainable Wetland Management – some factors to seeFrom hypertext transfer protocol: // include: 1. Creation of public consciousness on the importance of wetlands for the environment. Educate the populace on the function of wetlands in deposit and eroding control ; saving of H2O quality, cut downing pollution ; care of surface and land H2O supply and part to climatic stableness. 2. Promote understanding and acknowledgment of the maps and values of wetland home grounds. This includes their esthetic, cultural, spiritual, societal, economic, educational and recreational value. 3. Conservation of bing wetlands and their biodiversity This includes Restoration and recovery of altered wetlands and alternate wetland direction determinations that includes: non-intervention ( but includes monitoring ) ; limited intercession ; active direction. 4. Research on wetland Proper surveies should be carried out on the values, maps and use of each type of wetland, every bit good as its ecological position and agricultural potency that can be exploited without impairing its maps and transporting capacity. 5. Survey of developments that are likely to hold an impact on wetlands. This is to forestall the continued debasement, transition and disregard of wetlands. 6. Sustainable direction of wetlands Through the development and exchange of cognition about sustainable utilizations. 7. Formulation of policy on wetlands Consultations can be carried out among authorities, academic establishment, and community-based organisations to make policies and statute law, which includes impact appraisal and rating to modulate wetland usage. 8. Factors impacting the achievement of long-run direction aims With the designation of the long term intent, all important factors which may impact or impede their accomplishment should be identified. This include natural factors such as natural sequence in flora, precipitation induced fluctuation in H2O degree and clime alteration ; and human-induced factors such as perturbation, pollution and development.